Become A Reiki Practitioner…

Train with Reiki Master Teacher Katt Lowe

Reiki Class Levels 1 & 2 - Saturday,

June 1st & 2nd

9 am to 5 pm PDT - Live on Zoom

Reiki Class Level 1 & 2 - $350

Have you been feeling stuck, unmotivated, and like something's missing in your life? If so, it could be time to explore the power of reiki. Reiki is a spiritual practice that channels healing energy through the body to restore balance and harmony. Through regular practice of this ancient art, you can learn how to effectively heal yourself and others.

The best way to get started with reiki is by taking this reiki training class. You will learn all about the history, fundamental principles, and basic techniques of reiki. This reiki certification course will also provide you with specific tools for self-care and wellness as well as an understanding how to transfer healing energy through touch or distance healing. You'll come away with a greater understanding of how reiki works and the confidence to use it to help heal yourself and those around you.

The benefits of reiki healing are vast, ranging from improved physical health to increased mental clarity and emotional balance. Reiki can help reduce stress, improve sleep quality, boost mood, increase energy levels, reduce pain and so much more. It's natural and non-invasive, so there is no need for medication or invasive treatments.

Reiki has been practiced for centuries in many cultures across the globe. Today, its popularity continues to grow as more people discover its powerful healing potential - both on their own bodies and minds as well as on others'. Invest in yourself and your well-being by taking this reiki training class. You'll be glad you did!

Reiki is a safe, gentle, and powerful way to connect with the divine energy within us all. With consistent practice of this ancient art, you can learn how to heal yourself and others - ultimately living life in balance, peace, and harmony.

This reiki certification course is designed to give you the tools, knowledge, and skills you need to become a Reiki practitioner. You will learn how to perform energy healing with reiki and understand reiki's history. You will gain an in-depth understanding of the Usui reiki system, its benefits, and how it works.

In this class, you will explore how reiki can help balance your life force energy and unlock positive energies which can bring peace and balance within your body and mind. You will also have a deeper understanding of chakra systems as well as learn about universal life force energy (Rei).

This reiki training program provides students with practical techniques that they can use to heal themselves and others. By the end of the course, you will have gained the knowledge of a reiki practitioner and be confident in your reiki abilities. You will also receive certification upon completion of this reiki training course.

Take this reiki training course and experience the benefits of reiki for yourself! With Reiki, you can unlock positive energy and bring balance to your body and mind - transforming every aspect of your life. Join us today and discover all that reiki has to offer!


1st degree: Reiki Level I - Shoden

Level 1 - 9 am to 5pm PDT - $175

First degree Reiki is the beginning of an exciting and profound journey filled with self-discovery, personal change, love, growth, new experiences, and an immeasurable sense of bonding with a higher power.

It takes most people from a position of skepticism and propels them into a new understanding of life.

Reiki opens up doors to new dimensions, to things we never dreamt possible and gives us access to the purest unconditional love available.

Reiki is pure energy; it is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. Reiki is available to all who wish to tap into it, accept it, and become one with its energy and wisdom.

Words cannot adequately describe Reiki; it needs to be experienced. Every person experiences Reiki in different ways, which is why it is impossible to define Reiki clearly in words. Whether you experience Reiki as a treatment from a Reiki practitioner or by attending a workshop, it will change your life for the better if you are open to the energy and allow it to envelop your mind, body and spirit.

This is where Reiki history, self-Reiki techniques, and methods to give Reiki to someone else are taught. The student will learn how to channel Universal Life Force Energy (an infinite source of energy) through the crown chakra and out again, usually through the palms of the hands.

Students permanently gain the ability to help heal others, primarily on the physical level. After the first attunement, the student will release many energetic blockages. This means that stagnant energy in the student's energetic structure will be moved which will heal the student of some of their own hangups.. Physical pain manifests where energetic stagnancy exists. By removing the stagnant energy, the pain will be healed and will not come back unless we re-manifest the stagnant energy.

What you will learn in Level 1

  • What Reiki is and who discovered it

  • How Reiki works

  • What causes your energy to be off-balance and cause blockages

  • How to connect to Reiki

  • How to scan and clear your aura of any energy imbalances

  • How to balance your chakras and nourish your organs with Reiki

  • How Reiki can help to heal the Endocrine & Lymphatic system

  • Reiki hand positions

  • How to conduct a Reiki self-treatment

  • How to conduct a Reiki healing on others

  • Sacred Connection: You will receive a live Reiki attunement

  • I will teach you advanced techniques beyond the basic Reiki class

  • Your Reiki lineage

  • You will receive an 88-page PDF manual of Reiki Level 1

  • You will receive a Certificate as a Reiki Level 1 practitioner was you have completed the class

  • You will receive access to the replay of the live class for 90 days

Level 1 - 9 am to 5pm PDT - $175

2nd degree: Reiki Level II - Okuden

Level 2 - 9 am to 5pm PDT - $175

The second degree is the next giant step towards understanding and becoming fully attuned to Reiki.

Everyone who wants to study and master the second degree must first have already completed the first degree in a workshop.

Students need to have been given the first-degree attunements and the knowledge required to skillfully work with Reiki. Unlike the first degree, students normally would have obtained experience, skill, and a level of intuitive understanding towards the unlimited power of Reiki.

Students learn how to use the first three Reiki symbols and how to perform distant Reiki techniques. It also allows a student to heal the emotional and mental aspects of the self. One main aspect of this level is the ability to channel Reiki beyond the boundaries of space and time. By being able to transcend space and time, we can heal ourselves and others of physical, mental, and emotional traumas that occurred at any point in our existence. The difference in healing them in the past and in the present is that by healing them in the past, it will often also release traumas that we manifested as a result of the initial experience.

What you will learn in Level 2

  • You will understand the three pillars of Reiki

  • The first pillar of Reiki is Gassho Meditation

  • The second pillar of Reiki is Reiji-Ho

  • The third pillar of Reiki is Chiryo

  • How to use the Reiki breath for a deeper connection to Reiki

  • Sacred Connection: You will receive a live Reiki Level 2 attunement

  • You will learn the three Sacred Reiki Symbols that bring more Reiki energy into the session

  • How to conduct a distant Reiki Healing

  • Extra Reiki hand positions

  • How to clear the energy in a room with Reiki

  • How to see energy & aura’s

  • Connect to your Reiki guide & Angels

  • How to send Reiki to animals

  • I will teach you advanced techniques beyond the basic Reiki Level 2 class

  • Your Reiki lineage

  • You will receive a 95-page PDF manual of Reiki Level 2

  • You will receive a Certificate as a Reiki Level 2 practitioner was you have completed the class

  • You will receive access to the replay of the live class for 90 days


Level 2 - 9 am to 5pm PDT - $175

3rd degree:  Reiki Level III - Shinpiden. Reiki Master Teacher

Level 3 - March 16 & 17th - 9 am to 4pm PDT - $799.00

The third degree consists of learning the master symbols, receiving the attunements, and learning and mastering the attunement processes so you can then pass on and teach the gift of reiki to others.

Becoming a 3rd degree Reiki Master is not the end of the journey; it is only the beginning of your own personal and spiritual development. A Reiki Master; is not suddenly a better or wiser or more enlightened person than anyone else, it simply means that as a Reiki Master/Teacher you are now able to pass on the gift of the universal life force to others. Hopefully, a person seeking to become a Reiki Master is already a kind, considerate and spiritually developed individual who is seeking to not only enhance their own life, but also the lives of others.

The third degree is a natural progression for those who want to teach Reiki. The more Reiki teachers we have; the more people will be introduced and drawn to Reiki. This is in our opinion - vital. The world as a community needs to learn to live together and come to realize that we are all connected and should live in peace and harmony. Reiki can help heal some of the rifts and issues that drive us apart. The more people in tune with Reiki the better our world will undoubtedly become.

What you will learn in Reiki Level 3 certification - Reiki Master Teacher

  •  This is a two-day class

  • We will review Reiki Levels 1 & 2 from a teacher’s perspective

  • You will learn how to conduct Reiki Attunements for all three Levels

  • You will receive three additional Reiki Master symbols to work with

  • You will learn how to teach students Reiki so you can conduct your own classes

  • A deeper understanding of Reiki and Symbolism

  • Sacred Connection: You will receive a live Reiki Master attunement

  • I will teach you advanced techniques beyond the basic Reiki Level 3 class

  • Your Reiki lineage

  • You will receive a 102-page PDF manual of Reiki Level 2

  • You will receive a Certificate as a Reiki Master Teacher was you have completed the class

  • You will receive access to the replay of the live class for 90 days


Level 3 - 9 am to 4pm PDT - $799.00